“Conservatives’ Military-Industrial Complex
On Latin American Politics and Ending the War on Drugs
The second half of this video addresses the benefits of legalizing drugs on the violence in Latin America. The point that prohibition only tends towards more violence created by a fight for market share by the various underground organizations in the black market is certainly a legitimate point that should be enough to convince any […]
Jack Hunter on Secession and the Liberal Mind
The Southern Avenger’s Conservative Defense of Wikileaks
From The SA:
Julian Assange: Patriot
“Real bastards are people who have power and abuse their power to afflict people who are weaker than they are.” ~Julian Assange It is quite scary to witness the media, politicians, and ordinary citizens talk of treason, imprisonment, and even assassination of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Assange is simply giving the American citizens the information […]
Sheldon Richman
This is the man who convinced me of rightness of libertarianism roughly 6 years ago.