If you were to go back and look at the accuracy of our elected representative’s statements you would find that the most accurate of them all is Congressman Ron Paul. Whether it is foreign policy, economics or even your everyday politics, he is usually found to be correct. Despite this, the political establishment, the MSM and the average American citizen continue to either ignore or degrade him while they praise those frauds who only continue to be found wrong time after time. Below is only a small example of the accuracy of Paul and the innacuracy of the typical establishment fraud, and yet the latter continues to have more credability in the eyes of most.
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Constitutionally, legislatively, and morally, Ron Paul has no equal. His 22 year voting record speaks for itself.
Mr. Paul has not survived in politics for 22 years and maintain the ethics and morality he has by being anything other than stellar.
If You refute the above comment, then I please invite You to listen to him speak about key issues. It is amazing how well he comes across because he doesn’t have to remember lies like other politicians. He understands what is happening in the world and knows how to apply the basic principles of liberty to achieve the real change that America so desperately deserves.
American to American we are all on the same team. So I present Mr. Ron Paul as my Candidate for 2011 and invite anybody to meaningfully and respectfully debate why he is not the best for American and its people in 2012.
Ron Paul = A real change, not for special interest, but for America’s Interests!
Thank You for Your time
Ron Paul 2012