Sean Dempsey
I support, personal freedom and the ideology which gives the most freedom to the most people. There are no exceptions and no valid reasons for loss of freedom, no matter how much the supposed "left" and "right" may try to convince you there are.
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Obama – The King of Drones
Posted on Author Sean Dempsey
Human rights advocates were floored on Monday night when NBC News published the details of an alarming Justice Department memo detailing the protocol for sending drones after United States citizens. It’s not as if they hadn’t suspected that the Obama administration’s top secret drone attack protocol contained some unsavory details. They just didn’t expect them […]
The House Carpenter
Posted on Author Sean Dempsey
By Sean Dempsey, 6/26/23 (Written as an homage to the song of the same name by Nickel Creek. The story is haunting and demanded to be told in full…) In a quaint coastal village embraced by the ebb and flow of the sea, there dwelled a young woman named Lily. Her radiant beauty and gentle […]