A right to something implies no one can legitimately take it from you or prevent you from enjoying that right. Thus a right to something means you are justified to use force to defend it. For example you have a right to your life, so if someone attacks you or threatens your life you can […]
Items that cover cover the reasoning behind the libertarian perspective but may not contain explicit policy measures.
The Individual vs. The Collective
This article makes an important point that leftists and big government Repubs don’t get. The choice is not that we are all in it together or we are all individuals who refuse to work together. Rather the choice is, are we all coerced as a group or do you voluntarily associate as free independent individuals? […]
“Defending the Constitution” by Jack Hunter
“Conservatives’ Military-Industrial Complex
On Latin American Politics and Ending the War on Drugs
The second half of this video addresses the benefits of legalizing drugs on the violence in Latin America. The point that prohibition only tends towards more violence created by a fight for market share by the various underground organizations in the black market is certainly a legitimate point that should be enough to convince any […]
Jack Hunter on Secession and the Liberal Mind
Sheldon Richman
This is the man who convinced me of rightness of libertarianism roughly 6 years ago.
Private Fire Protection?
Why is this concept so hard to understand? …Listen to these two statists make some of the worst arguments you will ever hear against private fire protection…
The Libertarian Pledge to America
Laurance Vance makes a few edits to the Republican ‘Pledge to America.’ If only this could get the support of all Americans…