The biggest objection to voting for a Third Party is the “wasted vote” argument — the idea that if you vote for someone who will not win, then the vote does not count. Join any third party and merely suggest that another person consider voting for a third party candidate and you will hear, ad […]
The Anti-Vote Movement
Why almost everyone (i.e. the uninformed, politically-ignorant masses) should stay home this November! Wearing an “I Voted” sticker on Election Day announces that you are a proud participant in the grand tradition of representative democracy, the worst system except all the others. It says “I care,” “I’m informed,” and perhaps also “this shirt is machine […]
Problem with Memes: Over-simplifying complex ideas
A close friend carelessly posted the following meme on facebook the other day. Big mistake. I hate memes! Well … I obviously could just let it go. What follows is a logical rant in rejoinder. Me: “I don’t really have a horse in this fight, and I recognize there’s often a lot of emotion on […]
Go for the Steak, America!
Tonight you turn on tv. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC. All media sources, all newspapers, all outlets: they all scream one thing: You must decide in a handful of months what the entire country is to have for dinner. Unfortunately there are only two options. A pile of cow manure. OR a pile of horse manure. […]
Things Jesus Never Said
There is no virtue in compulsory government charity, and there is no virtue in advocating it. A politician who portrays himself as “caring” and “sensitive” because he wants to expand the government’s charitable programs is merely saying that he’s willing to try to do good with other people’s money. Well, who isn’t? And a voter […]
Libertarian Viewpoint: Should Private Businesses Be Able To Refuse Service Based on Race, Color, or Religion?
Libertarians, Gay Marriage, and Freedom of Association: A Primer How the same right allows for both same-sex marriage recognition and refusing to sell gay couples wedding cakes by Scott Shackford How can a libertarian support gay marriage but also the right of businesses to decline to provide goods and services such as cakes, wedding dresses, […]
On Hearing of the Death of Robin Williams
August 11, 2014by Sean Dempsey When I was a childThere stood a house by a lakeIn a bed of woods it did lay.We would yearly devote–To find hearth reached by boat–On a trip that took nearly a day. When I was a child,My two brothers and I,And little sister, merely three years,We would play high […]
Minimum Wage is a Lose-Lose
This is a big subject. And it’s one that sadly keeps coming up in our political climate! Let’s just RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE! The poor Poor are suffering. We are selfish for not wanting to help them. “Big Business” is greedy and keeping the little man down. But this is all political hype and distraction […]