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America, 2023
A glorious table of feasting charlatans sit circling a bonfire of feigned justice. The raging fire is stacked high with dangerous literature and is lorded over by Great and Powerful men. But these men who burn books are no longer men; they are brutes. They are monsters. The ecstatic cries from the sickeningly drunk mob, […]
When is it Appropriate to Storm the Cathedral?
Recent events at the nation’s Capitol have left true Libertarians with a sense of curious ambivalence. On one hand, we see a bunch of children and fools—championed by a self-serving and pompous puppet-master—forcing their way into the Capitol building for the mere sake of maintaining the status quo. Their mission (supposedly?) was to disrupt legal […]
How to Survive (and even Profit by) the Coming Economic Collapse!
NB: There is no “right way” to deal with what’s coming. And what’s coming will be catastrophic. Especially if/when the commercial real estate market implodes (as early as mid 2025). But the most important thing is being able to anticipate the coming issues (before others) and get a leg up to protect you and your […]