
A New Health Care Mandate?

“While the law outlined a framework for the CLASS Act,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told members of Congress in February, “we determined pretty quickly that it would not meet the requirement that the act be self-sustaining and not rely on taxpayer assistance.” Whoops! Looks like the Obama regime will be forcing everyone […]


My Message to Voters

To Democrats: Suppose the man running for President had in his previous term waged war against three countries while using drones to bomb two others; lobbied congress to ensure the continuation of the Patriot act; continued to imprison people without habeas rights in Guantanamo Bay and avoiding supreme court decisions by shipping certain individuals from […]


The Individual vs. The Collective

This article makes an important point that leftists and big government Repubs don’t get. The choice is not that we are all in it together or we are all individuals who refuse to work together. Rather the choice is, are we all coerced as a group or do you voluntarily associate as free independent individuals? […]

Current Events

Government, Tyranny, and Shampoo

One would not usually expect to see the words tyranny and shampoo in the same sentence, but the actions by this government should no longer surprise you. The Department of Justice refuses to allow the potential “monopoly” of Suave and VO5 to take over the “value shampoo” market and potentially allow for the pricing out […]