Goal of this Project: to determine, over a 18-24 month period, to see what unambiguous scientific study and scientific research reveals about the efficacy and/or “cost” of global, national, and regional lockdowns. Hypothesis Attempted: I will desire, however, to bring a hypothesis to the forefront of this project and see if the data and scientific […]
When is it Appropriate to Storm the Cathedral?
Recent events at the nation’s Capitol have left true Libertarians with a sense of curious ambivalence. On one hand, we see a bunch of children and fools—championed by a self-serving and pompous puppet-master—forcing their way into the Capitol building for the mere sake of maintaining the status quo. Their mission (supposedly?) was to disrupt legal […]
The Tale of Two Brothers
There once lived two brothers named Dante and Peter. They were orphaned fairly young where they lived, just outside a small remote village far, far away. Dante was the younger brother and had bright eyes; Peter, the elder, had a timid spirit but a warm heart. They were the best of friends and kindred spirits. […]
Jordan Peterson’s Forward to the 50th Anniversary of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Epic ‘The Gulag Archipelago’
The three volumes of The Gulag Archipelago — one continuous, extended scream of outrage — are, paradoxically, brilliant, bitter, disbelieving and infused with awe: awe at the strength characterising the best among us, in the worst of all situations. In that monumental text, published in 1973, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn conducted “an experiment in literary investigation” — a hybrid […]
Wake up, LP. Grow a Backbone!
The Libertarian Party has become such a joke recently. I seriously pray that changes for 2024. We need real LP leaders who actually stand for some principles Instead of virtue signaling on social media and posting ridiculous things about #blm or how “racism sucks” — vacuous statements that carry no substance at all and do […]
A False Dichotomy: Caused by Human Hubris
The false dichotomy of this election representing “good vs evil” has come up repeatedly in many/most of the political discussions I’ve had on fb recently. I assert this false binary occurs for three reasons: A) a failure to see a beyond stark black/white options we have created in our minds, b) the result of the […]
Keynesian Cheat Sheet
Keynesian CHEAT SHEET: A short primer to help you translate articles when reading these esoteric phrases: “more help from the federal reserve will likely be needed …”Translation: “more heroine is likely needed to be injected into this man dying of a heroine overdose…” “the fed needs to do more stimulus…”Translation: “the us dept of money […]
Does systemic racism, inequity, and rampant prejudice exist in America?
Systemic racism, inequity, and rampant prejudice exist in America? Yes, absolutely! But it’s not caused by the reasons you may think. Want to actually fix the problem vs white-washing the symptoms? Here’s how: 1) Abolish All Racist Drug Laws 20+ million black Americans have been arrested for non-violent drug-related crimes. Whether or not they were […]
Keynesian Magic Trick
Every magic trick has three parts, or acts. This current one we are living in will be a painful trick unfortunately ON the American people and will have very dire consequences for our very way of life. Act 1: 🤢 A Terrible Virus 😱 The Coronavirus reins down fear and death on the United States. […]
History Repeats Itself
Inflating the money supply (aka creating massive inflation) during a crisis and going into massive debt is like trying to dig your way over a mountain. History should be our guide, not Keynesian vudu. Actual transcript from Powell during his interview on 60 Minures below: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-economy-jerome-powell-federal-reserve-chairman-60-minutes/#app Scott Pelley: Where does it come from? Do you […]