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Casus Belli
By Sean Dempsey, 6/24/23 His people were anxious. That much couldn’t be denied. Every day it seemed his power was threatened as social unrest swelled to new crescendos. One morning the Emperor concocted a bold plan. He knew his tenuous grip on power was fading, but by keeping the people focused on an external enemy […]
Gitmo Economic Numbers – Some useful info if you are a US Taxpayer
Our national, annual spend on one of the most loathed American-owned/operated sites is beyond the pale. Put aside the inhumanity for a second and brush aside the self-proclaimed, non-constitutional “right” for the US to detain prisoners without trial for an unlimited amount of time; put all that aside and you still have the sheer cost […]
Pentagon: Cuts Could Hamper Ability To Invade Countries For No Reason
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The spending cuts mandated by the sequester may hamper the United States’s ability to invade countries for absolutely no reason, a Pentagon spokesman warned today. The Pentagon made this gloomy assessment amid widespread fears that the nation’s ability to wage totally optional wars based on bogus pretexts may be in peril. “Historically, […]