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Foreign Affairs Hearing
Great statements by Representatives Paul and Amash on the legality of the war powers act and constitutionality of our current foreign policy. We need more Congressmen like them in Washington.
Trump-Russia Timeline (by Brendan D)
I would here like to counter the “witch-hunt” narrative and attempt to present, in a more orderly and comprehensive fashion than ad hoc conversation would allow, the facts which should provide the basis for any conversation on this topic. I submit the following timeline. In it, I have tried to compile a good amount of […]
Trust in Sununu (a Poem)
The drums are all beat, declaring defeat, before the army might have won. And those who embark to live in the dark see shadows where there are none. Light begets light, and a pale truth of right shall always be what remains;Yet dismal masses in fear always are near And force the righteous gleam to wain. […]