Sean Dempsey
I support, personal freedom and the ideology which gives the most freedom to the most people. There are no exceptions and no valid reasons for loss of freedom, no matter how much the supposed "left" and "right" may try to convince you there are.
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Posted on Author Sean Dempsey
Every crisis becomes a religion. It’s inevitable. Especially if it lasts long enough. One factor in that transformation is the “Beautiful Theory” phenomenon. This is the phenomenon where those who sell news team up with those who seek to lead others and insist some remedy is urgently needed and politically correct — so it MUST […]
Songbirds & Vultures
Posted on Author Sean Dempsey
By Sean Dempsey, 7/15/23 The fact names like Sojourner Truth, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, Oskar Schindler, and Harriet Tubman are famous and revered above others indicate their uniqueness in history. They are anomalies! Mankind is rotten and putrid to its core. The Third Reich was no fluke, nor were the conquistadors, […]