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A False Dichotomy: Caused by Human Hubris
The false dichotomy of this election representing “good vs evil” has come up repeatedly in many/most of the political discussions I’ve had on fb recently. I assert this false binary occurs for three reasons: A) a failure to see a beyond stark black/white options we have created in our minds, b) the result of the […]
Libertarian Morality
A n interesting study on the morality of libertarians. My favorite quote… “We might say that liberals have the most ‘feminine’ cognitive style, and libertarians the most ‘masculine.’”
Progressive Glenn Greenwald Continues to Make Sense
Ignore progressives on economic matters and they can make a whole lot of sense, with Glenn Greenwald clearly being the best that I have found. In a recent commentary of his, “The Patriot Act and Bipartisanship,” he continues to remain consistent in his defense of civil liberties and non-partisan outing of hypocrisy while recognizing his […]