Throughout the twentieth-century the American right slowly lost all influence inside academia. How and why this happened is a discussion for another post (Allan Bloom’s “The Closing of the American Mind” is a good place to start) but what is certain is that today the elite academic institutions in the United States are completely controlled […]
On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
Ben Franklin, November 1766 I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed […]
The Myth that is the Rule of Law
A great article by Tom Engelhardt over at will make it hard to deny the hard fact that there is no longer such a thing as the ‘Rule of Law’ (though I would argue that its death began in the mid 1800’s, and its final days have come under this current regime). “…At least […]
The Future of Money?
‘Bitcoin’ is an interesting example of the future of money. Bitcoin is a non-asset backed and non-state controlled money. With the Fed destroying the value of our money it comes as no surprise that we should start to see such experiments as these. I tend to be skeptical of such non-asset backed currencies, but it […]
The Hypocrisy of Partisanship
It is funny, in a way, how people view politics. For most it is like any professional sport, they choose a team at some point in their life, based on some illogical rationale, such as the color of their uniforms, a family member who roots for them, or maybe it was the only team on […]
A “Right” To Health Care?
A right to something implies no one can legitimately take it from you or prevent you from enjoying that right. Thus a right to something means you are justified to use force to defend it. For example you have a right to your life, so if someone attacks you or threatens your life you can […]
“Obama’s Imperial Presidency”
A great article, originally from ‘The Atlantic’, on Obama’s worse record than Bush on abuse of civil liberties. An excerpt from the article for example… “No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.” Obama promised on the campaign trail. Yet the Justice Department’s latest report to Congress […]
Reasons Nanny of the Month
This sort of petty tyranny, as Alexis tocqueville wrote would take hold in his famous work “Democracy in America,” is no longer funny, not when they come for our burgers.
“Standing for Individual Liberty and Limited Government: Ron and Rand Paul”
The link below will take you to a great article written by Doug Bandow over at The first paragraph should be enough to draw your interest… Another Memorial Day has arrived, with more military personnel dead and buried. Politicians rhapsodize about heroic sacrifice they personally would never make. These same officials increasingly violate the […]