The screams of children, young and dying—Tear the fabric of our world;Yet old men plead for bombs to fallOn Gaza’s boys and girls. “Their parents voted; the die’s been cast;Fathers’ sins sowed their fate;Their infants must be blown to bits;We must trade hate for hate!” A child of seven kneels before Mars;Her home’s reduced to […]
The Unbroken Circle
The Unbroken Circle Continues… Violence begets violence begets violence. Hate begets hate begets hate. We are all a victim of our berth in time and our place of birth. For one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist. Man falls victim again and again to his circumstance, perspective, and his lonely place in time. He […]
The Sickening Cure
By Sean Dempsey, 6/5/24 For ol’ Truth, you ask, with misty eye?No, I’m afraid he’s gone today.Left out those doors and not seen since—Though I long begged him to stay. His words ignored, his children bored;Unloved, he took his leave;His songs unsung for many years,His proverbs not believed. Ah, but he left behind a note […]
A Killing Prayer
by Sean Dempsey When the shots were quiet and the dust was blown…When last all my innocence I’d outgrown—When I’d fought and killed, hands stained red,The last one standing, or so they said— I rose and looked around the Killing FieldWhere no broken soul was ever healed.And I yearned to find someone to hate;I sought […]
The Wheel Turns
by Sean Dempsey 5/30/24 It is a soul-wrenching philosophical irony that throughout time the core of Humanity, the essence of what it is to be Man, is either slave or slaver. Bifurcated or Bifurcator Man was a slave in Egypt and Babylon; he was prosecuted under the Third Reich; he was a victim of Genocides […]
UVM Adds an Intervarsity Poker Club
BURLINGTON VT—This week the University of Vermont launched a new Texas Hold’em Poker Club for amateur card players and aspiring professionals alike. The new collegiate program boasts over a hundred and sixty-six members (a decade-long record for intervarsity extracurricular participation). The founders of the UVM Poker Club have a unique spin on the game that […]
My Personal Voyage into Real Estate
By Sean Dempsey01/26/24 Someone recently asked me how I attained the properties in my real estate portfolio. And to be honest I had to stop and think for a moment. Time has a monotonous way of making someone simply put one foot ahead of the other and then the next so that the entire journey […]
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave & Its Connection to the Present
by Sean Dempsey1/23/24 Plato’s allegory of the cave is one of the greatest stories of philosophy. It allows us to understand how the Greek philosophers once perceived the world. The tale involves a metaphorical explanation in which a human is faced with raw knowledge and unfiltered Truth. In his allegory, Plato explains how the existence […]
Rape of that Whore Called Science
By Sean Dempsey 1/3/24 The magnanimous Left — it co-opts and destroys. It pillages and brings all good to ruin. It demeans the spoken word; it pierces the purest thought. It violates and corrupts the most sublime concepts. The year is 2020. With righteous magnanimity, the Left besmirches the refined beauty of Science and turn […]
2023 Passive Income Report
The last twelve months have been an interesting time for investing. So as the year draws to a close, I thought it would be fun and enlightening to outline and report on my various prospects, successes, and failures embarked in 2023 for anyone interested to observe. I will “open the kimono,” so to speak, to […]