Sean Dempsey
I support, personal freedom and the ideology which gives the most freedom to the most people. There are no exceptions and no valid reasons for loss of freedom, no matter how much the supposed "left" and "right" may try to convince you there are.
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Author’s Note (following Ava and the Storm)
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Author’s Note Dear Parent, Thank you for reading my book. I wrote this children’s story for my six year old daughter – as both a warning and a plea. I hope it may serve as a desperate search for light and sanity in dystopian times, fading more and more into darkness each day. The social […]
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By Sean Dempsey John awoke with a start as his bedroom door was kicked open. In a blur of confusion and panic, he found himself dragged out of bed by burly Policemen who blindfolded and transported him, half-naked, to a parked car. It sped off into the night immediately. At last the vehicle stopped and […]