Sean Dempsey moved to New Hampshire as one of the first 100 ‘Free Staters.’ He unabashedly believes in the US Constitution and the message and principles enshrined by its founders. Sean believes the country in which we live needs to re-examine what Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, and Adams believed (and were willing to die for). The message of freedom is not a tag line or something to be embarrassed by, but is sacrosanct and more important than ever!

Why Donald Trump Won’t Win in 2024

Donald Trump won in 2016 because he could pinpoint an issue in voter psychology: that America was not a fraction of its former self (which was true) and that HE could (narcissistically) make it “great again!” This message appealed to millions, quite likely because nostalgia is easy to tap into and his message was ambiguous […]

Culture Current Events Poems


By Sean Dempsey As the world has changed it has become more authentic.The niceties that once glued society together have been stripped away.As fear has taken over, so to has mankind’s natural distrust and hate for others. Differences that once were superficial have become meaningful;Divisions that once could be easily bridged, are now insurmountable.Authentic man […]