Let me justify why i posted this meme, before i’m too-badly blasted by my lefter-leaning friends. I usually despise the “Obama vs Hitler” juxtapositions as ridiculous and un-founded. So to clarify: I am NOT saying that President Obama is Hitler or that under his Presidency America will ever become a fascist, blood-hungry state. That’s lunacy […]
Breakdown of the Romney vs Obama Debate
The best recap of the “debate” between Obama and Romney I’ve seen yet. It would be truly hilarious if it wasn’t a parody and this wasn’t such an critical and important election deciding our future.
College Education: The Largest Scam in American History!
The last 60 seconds of this documentary is a bit off, but 99% of it is spot on and demands attention. The cost of an American college eduction was once “well worth the cost.” It no longer is (for a vast majority of reasons). The promises of $1M more in aggregate salary over a person’s […]
Keene: Center of the free state project?
Apparently, according to this article: http://www.slate.com/id/2296999
Bastiat and Legal Plunder
This pretty much sums up in a nice nutshell the Libertarian argument.
Plaxico Burress and Unjust Laws
Plaxico Burress, former NY Giants WR, recently got out of 20 months in prison for bringing a gun into a club and accidently discharging it, hitting him in the thigh, but hurting no one else. This punishment is an example of how our current legal system does not do its job in ensuring justice is […]
Ron Paul’s Predictions Come True
If you were to go back and look at the accuracy of our elected representative’s statements you would find that the most accurate of them all is Congressman Ron Paul. Whether it is foreign policy, economics or even your everyday politics, he is usually found to be correct. Despite this, the political establishment, the MSM […]
Schooling and Education
The most destructive force of freedom in our society, besides government as a whole, is our public school system. If you care to study the issue further, be sure to check out more of John T. Gatto, as well as Sheldon Richman’s book ‘Separating School and State.’
Reasons Not to Fund the Arts
In case that fact that taxpayer funding of art isn’t constitutional, nor moral, doesn’t quite do the trick for you here are a few other reasons as presented by reason.com.
Walter Williams on Stossel
Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com