The first ape to use a tool — a stick or bone, perhaps — used it, no doubt, to kill or maim his fellow ape. We are no more civilized today than he. The history lesson to be learned from the rise of Hitler is not that he was sublimely evil in a way no […]
How Elon Musk Could Restore Free Speech to Twitter Overnight
Free speech isn’t a difficult concept to understand. It’s literally two words. Free speech. The freedom to say what you wish without censorship or retribution. There must be limitations of course, for example asking someone to break the law. But short of that, if Elon, as he has said, is serious about making Twitter a […]
Why Donald Trump Won’t Win in 2024
Donald Trump won in 2016 because he could pinpoint an issue in voter psychology: that America was not a fraction of its former self (which was true) and that HE could (narcissistically) make it “great again!” This message appealed to millions, quite likely because nostalgia is easy to tap into and his message was ambiguous […]
Exile and Restoration of Caryn Ann Harlos and What it Symbolizes for the Libertarian Party
Understanding why the LP “takeover” happened is important.
3 Common Things Most People Do that are Just Dumb
They say the more audacious the lie, the more people are likely to believe it. Combine this truism with the fact that human beings prefer to move in herds (i.e. “go with the flow”), and you have some pretty interesting societal norms that develop over time. Now add one more interesting factoid to the equation: […]
By Sean Dempsey As the world has changed it has become more authentic.The niceties that once glued society together have been stripped away.As fear has taken over, so to has mankind’s natural distrust and hate for others. Differences that once were superficial have become meaningful;Divisions that once could be easily bridged, are now insurmountable.Authentic man […]
There be Monsters Before the Altar
Sean Dempsey, 12/24/21 Some monsters would destroy the paths walked before them, content to trail-blaze new ones that are somehow better—even if they lead off cliffs in the dark. Some monsters would have you give up all you have, all your plans, all your dreams for yourself and your family, because they feel such ignoble […]
Beautiful Theories
Every crisis becomes a religion. It’s inevitable. Especially if it lasts long enough. One factor in that transformation is the “Beautiful Theory” phenomenon. This is the phenomenon where those who sell news team up with those who seek to lead others and insist some remedy is urgently needed and politically correct — so it MUST […]
Lockdown Studies
People Suffering from Other Diseases 1.4 million additional tuberculosis deaths due to lockdown disruptions 500,000 additional deaths related to HIV Malaria deaths could double to 770,000 total per year 65 percent decrease in all cancer screenings Breast cancer screenings dropped 89 percent Colorectal screenings dropped 85 percent Projected increase in cancer deaths, including up to […]
Land of the Free and the Brave?
There was once an old lady who swallowed a fly,And became so terrified that she surely would die!See, she lived in a country overrun by these pestsAnd… well, I think you may recall the rest? Now we live in a world overrun by a bug;So … we lockdowned ourselves and outlawed all family hugs.And then […]