
Fighting the War on Drugs: What Real Political Courage Looks Like

In the aftermath of Rand Paul’s recent support of the War on Drugs ( http://reason.com/blog/2013/05/13/rand-paul-assures-evangelicals-that-he-d ), many people have defended Senator Paul, saying, “He was speaking before the most socially conservative audience in the country. What do you want him to do? Tell them that the government has no business legislating morality? Tell them that […]

Culture Current Events History Policy

Get Government OUT of the Marriage Business

Social Right-wingers: Just imagine how you’re all going to look in 40 years… 🙁 Why do we even need the government involved in marriage?!? It has nothing to do with the government and never did. Libertarians advocate for getting the government to stop backing/supporting/granting/licensing ANY type of marriage of any kind – gay, straight, or […]

Current Events Foreign Policy

Pentagon: Cuts Could Hamper Ability To Invade Countries For No Reason

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The spending cuts mandated by the sequester may hamper the United States’s ability to invade countries for absolutely no reason, a Pentagon spokesman warned today. The Pentagon made this gloomy assessment amid widespread fears that the nation’s ability to wage totally optional wars based on bogus pretexts may be in peril. “Historically, […]