Further to my previous post, here is a great summary of Ken Burns’s recent documentary “The War”, which is actually worse than his Civil War one.
Ken Burns’s Civil War
The following article ends up by making an important point regarding the famous Ken Burns documentary on the Civil War: “Watching the film, you might easily forget that one side was not fighting for, but against the very things that Burns claims the war so gloriously achieved. Confederates, you might need reminding after seeing it, […]
Austrian Econmics vs. Keynesian Economics
Proof Austrian economics is far more accurate than Bernanke’s keynesian pseudo-scientific economics.
Is This Real Life?: Interview With Hary Reid
I refuse to believe that someone can be to ignorant.
Eliot Spitzer and Sophistry
In Ancient Greece sophists were teachers who taught virtue, which in those days generally meant the art of statesmanship, to young men rich enough to afford their services. Sophistry, as their art was called, is a trade much criticized in the dialogues of Plato, where Socrates attacks not only the practice of teaching for a […]
Fight Club
The narrator and Marla look on as the headquarters of “major credit card companies” collapse.
The fall of the United States?
From the Guardian: Decline and fall of the American Empire Key passage: “Let me put an alternative hypothesis. America in 2011 is Rome in 200AD or Britain on the eve of the first world war: an empire at the zenith of its power but with cracks beginning to show. The experience of both Rome and […]
Classic problem with left-wing economists
This article from Slate does a very decent job at explaining how bad the economic situation is and will most likely remain so for the foreseeable future. Then near the end, the classic Keynesian slip, “That is not to say that there is nothing to be done, of course, or that the current state of […]