“The only thing that made Yurtle the Turtle an epic failure vs a celebrated hero was TIME. If his turtle stack had stood for even a few years prior to crashing down, people would surely call him a champion for sitting atop the highest mountain ever and staring at the sun with bold determination.” History […]
Fear Dissolves Freedom
The death of freedom is not ushered in with a somber requiem, but rather celebrated with all the fanfare and bellicose applause of a stadium thronged with frightened madmen. We have seen firsthand that fear dilutes the senses, pollutes the mind, and corrupts the sensibilities of all it touches; fear, not hate, has turned man […]
The Trump Fascist Covid Regime 2.0
Fascist Governments need a public threat (real or imagined) in order to pull off their totalitarian policies. Otherwise no one would tolerate it! Fear is the tool used to make otherwise good people capitulate to mass hysteria and groupthink. For the nazis it was the “Jew problem” – an imagined threat. No one saw a […]
LPNH Coup Timeline – Important Letters & Artifacts
Working within my party-elected station as At Large member of the Libertarian Party Executive Committee (“EC”), below are some of my formal communications to the Libertarian National Committee (“LNC”) (and other relevant public communications) regarding the odd matter of this Political Coup happening in the state of New Hampshire. 03/19/2021 – Convention Meeting Minutes (only […]
Wear Your Mask
You should wear masks in the sunYou should wear them when you runYou should wear one before you eatAnd wear three on the toilet seat Wear a mask when you are here;And wear a mask before you’re there.You should wear your mask everywhere! You should wear a mask in the carYou must wear a mask […]
Vaccination Passports: The Only Way Out
I’m terrified! And for good reasons why:We’re all living in a global epidemic!But it’s now clear how to purge our fear—Yet some believe “freedom” is systemic. There are certain times we must rewindThe clock to days of yesteryear;We must all scream: “take your vaccine!”Else the whole world will stay in fear. Put your mask on […]
Trust in Sununu (a Poem)
The drums are all beat, declaring defeat, before the army might have won. And those who embark to live in the dark see shadows where there are none. Light begets light, and a pale truth of right shall always be what remains;Yet dismal masses in fear always are near And force the righteous gleam to wain. […]
Stay Home, Save Lives
Left alone, in my home, I’m out of harm’s way.Dangers of this world won’t get me today.Left alone, in my home, I’ll surely survive.There’s not a thing I won’t do to keep me alive. The world’s now so dark—with despair and disease!I’m safe here. Protected. I feel more at ease.I’ve tv here, and Zoom calls; FaceTime […]
2020: In Pursuit of Life (a Poem)
Wise men once asked ‘what good a man gain the whole world but lose his own soul…’Might he sacrifice all that he loves to attain some nebulous goal?For what tragic fool seeking LIFE would trade family, freedom, and song? Would seeking some ‘right,’ at all costs, engender more wrong? By this token, what purpose hath […]
Covid Passports
Fascist Governments need a public threat (real or imagined) in order to pull of their totalitarian policies. Otherwise no one would tolerate it! Fear is the tool used to make otherwise good people capitulate to mass hysteria and groupthink. For the nazis it was the “Jew problem” – an imagined threat. No one saw a […]