8 easy to understand reasons why every person in America (who has any sort of disposable income) should buy gold: The FED is an enemy that can’t be fought. So – ‘Don’t fight the Fed’. The fed is actively fighting tooth and nail to inflate the dollar every day. It’s been doing so since 2008 […]
Preparing for the Coming Collapse: how to invest your hard earned money so it will be best protected
My investment advice for those who ask “what should I do now, knowing the economy is going over a cliff in the near future?” – outlined below is what I feel is the safest bet for all. It’s extremely high level and given the nuances involved, feel free to comment below or PM me for […]
3 Best Ways to Short the Market
Here are the three best ways to short the market… Keeping Your Options Open Now, what do we talk about when we talk about short-selling? In its simplest form, shorting means borrowing shares from your broker, selling them immediately, and them buying them back (closing) at a cheaper price. You keep the difference. This process […]
Sean Dempsey’s Financial Plan
Foreword Nothing in this article is unique. I am heavily borrowing (with full credit where it is most due) from the gurus whom have most influenced my life from a financial standpoint. To download this article as a PDF – click here. Dave Ramsey—who doles out solid financial advice “your grandmother would give you”—posits a […]
Primer: The Differences Between Democrats and Republicans
DEFINITIONS Democrats: A left-leaning political party full of bleeding-heart pansies who are all high on the devil’s lettuce. Republicans: A right-leaning political party packed with rednecks who love guns and God, in that order. ORIGINS Democrats: The Democratic party was founded as the dying wish of Karl Marx in 1883, who wanted to infiltrate the […]
You Might Be A Statist IF…
You might be a statist if… If any political discussion finds you regularly using the expression “it’s clear the government isn’t doing enough to ” … you might be a statist. If you’re left-leaning and see “the evil Right” as the cause of all major problems…you might be a statist. If you think the war […]
Refusing to Stand for the National Anthem: Top 3 Pros and Cons
Taken from this article: https://www.procon.org/headline.php?headlineID=005323 San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick first refused to stand during “The Star-Spangled Banner” on Aug. 26, 2016 to protest racial injustice and police brutality in the United States. Since that time, many other professional football players, [7] high school athletes, and [8] professional athletes in other sports [9] have refused to stand for the national […]
Trump-Russia Timeline (by Brendan D)
I would here like to counter the “witch-hunt” narrative and attempt to present, in a more orderly and comprehensive fashion than ad hoc conversation would allow, the facts which should provide the basis for any conversation on this topic. I submit the following timeline. In it, I have tried to compile a good amount of […]
Political Memes are SO Stupid!!
What are memes? Urban Dictionary calls them “Popular quotes, images, and real people, which are copied, imitated, and spread all over the Internet(s)!” Interestingly enough, it neglects to mention that those quotes are generally made up, in order to emphasize a humorous or political point that contrasts with or embellishes the image they’re blazoned across. […]
Government and the Environment: a Role to Play?
In response to the anarachist or anarcho-capitalist argument that the government must take no role in environmental protectionism or defense of nature–that the free market will do it for us. And to attempt so is amoral if/when no property rights are infringed upon. So fundamentally here is a logical concern I have with the “anarchist […]